Dori Fern
Dori Fern
Content Marketing Consultant + Certified Coach

I help marketing, media, and other creative professionals tell better stories, make transformative changes, and get the personal and business results they want.

Let’s get to the heart of YOU and what you need to be happier and more successful.

Hello! I’m Dori.

How is your story serving you?

No doubt we’re living through turbulent times. Change may be inevitable, but our narratives, attitudes, and actions to navigate it are not fixed.

  • “Can’t do” attitudes are like a mud pit that keep you stuck, at work and in your personal and professional relationships.

  • Brands and businesses that neglect to do the strategic work to understand their customers and audiences, what they think, feel and do are unlikely to produce effective, impactful experiences that get results, regardless of the available tools and technology.

I can help you get clear about your goals and work with you to develop effective strategies to achieve them. Take the first step today.